
Riding in a section of DC famous for its 'brutalist' architectural style.  It's pretty bleak, but I like it for b/w shots :)

Had a different experience today: went on a police patrol ride-along for a few hours in the morning, as part of a new advisory board on community policing which I just joined. That initiative is a direct outgrowth of the current madness with policing across the country.  Could be interesting or could be another exercise in bureaucratic non-sense: we'll see after the 2nd meeting of the board next month.

Today's outing was interesting.  I hadn't expected much as I live in a pretty 'tame' burb of DC, but surprisingly, our car was called to the scene of a stabbing. I was impressed by (1) the show of force to the scene and (2) the professionalism of all officers involved.  The suspects and the victim were  young African American males.  However, the victim had run away (leaving behind a bloodied sweatshirt) so, technically, there was no crime... Weird world.

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