Home work

The boys had after school club this afternoon.  I thought I would need some extra time in my day due to the impending masters deadlines, but I ended up completing the final edit of the group assignment at almost the exact time I would normally leave to get the boys.  The bonus is that I have a (relatively) tidy, clean house. I also got a lunch time run with the dog (who loves running!) as well as some pilates today. 

Tired boys when they got home, but turned them out into the garden and they were more than happy.  The eldest did his homework at the garden table (he had to draw a picture of himself, he insisted on using paints and has drawn a picture of him weight lifting, no idea where he got that idea as neither the husband or are are into that!) 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Homework done with no grumbling (unlike the call to get them out of the garden and into the bath!) 
Getting out with the dog in the sunshine at lunch time
Having the time in my day to do the final edit of an assignment and get it into good shape - and not have to do it in the evening when tired 

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