Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Holding a Pink Camelia.

I love all the beauty around us, so the flowers in every season are a marvellous manifestation of Nature's beauty in the shapes, colours and pure appearance at the perfect time in the neighbourhoods.
It is cold and sunny, so I am getting on with housework and laundry.
If my Mum wasn't going through the stage of life she is now in, at 92, I would have not realised that each small task we can do for ourselves no matter how mundane, is a delightful blessing. Even the cleaning and ironing. She is mostly bed bound at this phase of her life. The fact my sister can visit her keeps a sense of the family connection that is still a link to a reality that is ours. The life lessons embedded in this experience are about being grateful for people willing to nurse the elderly. People willing to be carers. Hoping and praying our national sense of faith in god and love for one another keeps a society well educated and kind, even if low paid or not paid for finding ways to make the days and years worth living.
Thanks for understanding and for dropping by.
blipfoto has seen me through some really difficult times.
finding beauty helps. Being a Christian vegan has helped me find purpose and joy.

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