
Day two of a Canoe Club special OFA course.

I was a little disgruntled yesterday with how it had gone, a little self doubt cos its been a while and a little 'I knew I should have checked the venue out more'.

So with no set up needed I arrived early, went for a wander and found some River access down a steep bank. Perfect.

So a recap of skills first thing. A display of kit and a take whatever you need... Then out for nearly four hours of incident management and increasingly complex scenarios. In this instance the 'ignored quiet casualty' has been spotted as he slumped over.... Everyone else is dealing with the not badly injured but loud with a lot of blood, far more obvious casualty.... Teamwork picked this up quickly and I'm happy to say both survived... Though they were carried 100m to the emergency evac.

The teeny picture made me laugh.... Bandaging and wound management for an embedded object. Most people picked up the prosthetics with nails, branches etc.... This team did their own thing. When I asked "how's he stabbed himself with the not pointy end?.... " they replied " it's gone all the way through!"

Great bunch, fab feedback, everyone, including the instructor, passed :-)

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