VIP wheels

We had a gorgeously slow morning - watched both livestreams in bed in pjs. Played a Tetrus style game with Asha. Pottered. Drank coffee. Drank more coffee. Come midday we realised we really should get some fresh air so went out to a part of the island we don't know very well. The rain stopped and the sun came out. Hoping these rusty wheels aren't that man's ride home!
The kids and I made mini apple pies - they looked pretty 'rustic' but tasted lovely. Roma church for me this evening. Good to be there. Tiny but well-formed.

Drama of the day;
Narrowly escaping a horrible car crash - I don't know if the oncoming driver was looking at a phone, high or drunk, but it was scary and close enough that the kids screamed. Took a while for the heart rate to slow...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Slow mornings.
2) Great livestreams with lots to challenge me!
3) Safety re that close car crash. - truly scary. 

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