
On Monday we went for a walk in Tehidy Woods because Ann thought the bluebells would be out. They weren't. This morning we went back there for a walk with our friend, Angela. I'd like to be able to report that I greeted Angela sensibly. But I didn't. I did my silly puppy 'jumping up' at her. She didn't mind, even though she was wearing cream trousers. But Ann did. She said if I 'jumped up' at anyone in the woods I would be going straight back onto my lead. I didn't do any more jumping up. Phew!

There were more bluebells out today but they certainly didn't look as good as they normally do. However Angela had photos on her phone from 24th April last year (when we were 'locked down' in Edinburgh) so may be there's still a few days to go before they reach their best.

…..............And in other news........................... Ann made me get up at 7am cos she was wide awake and the sun was shining. We trekked around all the beaches and it was amazing how many other people were out and about at that time in the morning. Such a difference to last Sunday when we had the beaches to ourselves before the lock down restrictions were lifted and all the holiday makers arrived.

About 4pm I went into the field next to our house for a play with my ball, but do you know what?................... I played for less than 10 mins before I flopped down in 'tired mode'. Having a field next to our house is just fabulous, but playing with my ball really exhausts me which is good if Ann wants to tire me out. However, she's always a bit concerned that I get tired so quickly. MollyCollie would never get tired when she was playing with a ball. Ann doesn't know whether it's because I'm a smaller dog, but I seem to sleep a lot more than Molly too. On the other hand, it could just be that during the last year, in lock down, we've been together pretty much 24/7 so Ann observes me more than she ever did with Molly? For most of the time that she had Molly she worked 4-5 hours a day so Molly had a lot more 'home alone' time when she could have a proper uninterrupted rest. Who knows? I've got my annual check up at the vets at the beginning of May so Ann will mention it then.

Now I've gobbled up my dinner and am snoozing on the sofa, Ann's making her dinner and then we're going to watch, 'Call the Midwife' together.

#lifeinstives #happydays

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