More Dipper activity
down on the river Bovey this morning. Beautiful to watch but Indie gets impatient when she can't see what I'm watching. Looking over the high sided metal bridge is good cover for me though. I think this is a female, when it's hunting & checking it's surroundings it blinks & it's eyelids are white. Fingers crossed there is a clutch of eggs being kept warm somewhere along the river bank, there are certainly plenty of suitable nesting sites, I hope I get to see the fledglings.
An early visit to the allotment, the soil was frozen so I could'nt pot on the charity plants so I turned two more sections ready for planting, again followed by Bobby Robin. I took some bread so it could make a worm sarnie.
We watched the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral this afternoon. Thank goodness it was a sunny day.
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