Maybe I'm just too Demanding
E at work showed me a photo of the new bowl she bought for her Kitteh. I liked the look of it, so I bought two (I have two cats to her one).
they are like little fonts. Supposed to be good for the cat's spine and posture and digestion. Probably a load of poop, but I'm happy to let them try.
Beanie and Beau have become very vocal of late - i think with the interaction between S and J and now Tooli. - they communicate verbally rather than by action. It's quite funny to hear Tooli come down and say "Hello Beanie,", and Beaniee to respond "ah ah".
"Are you well" asks Tooli? "ah" says Bean.
Beau... walking in after. ahh ahh ahh eeehh raol". (hello, why did you not ask me first?
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