Saturday sunrise through Pohutukawa

Last evening I felt tired and sleepy, much earlier than is my usual. Perhaps a reaction to the vaccine. Today has been much better. Even though I'm on call, it's relaxing being here with nothing urgent to be done.

I have sorted some of the boxes of papers. I remain reluctant to throw out some things, but it has felt good disposing of folders full of unread papers. If I haven't need them before, why do I now?

But I am glad that I saved (and re-read) a paper from 1975. Comparing lithium to antipsychotics in the treatment of mania. Showing that the rating scales being used and the judgement of the clinicians was flawed. Because of behavioural suppression the antipsychotics were seen to be more and more rapidly effective. But at three weeks 70% of lithium treated patients were deemed able to b discharged and only 10% of those treated with antipsychotics were. This is a message that I have been trying to give to trainees and colleagues for about 40 years.

Perhaps this new dawn, seen as I was about to make the first pot of coffee for the day, may be a sign that a few more people will listen to me.

This evening, the fluttering shearwaters were flocking below us on the surface of Kawau Bay, and then en masse flying south to Algies Bay, only to turn and fly back. They were catching the low sun as they flew little more than a metre above the water. I just enjoyed watching and let the camera stay inside.

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