
This was taken from where I took THIS! What a contrast! I don't mean just that this photo is even crappier than the other one as this is a phone photo - I mean all the people!

I had an appointment to get my hair cut and coloured today at 9 AM. It's now done and looks so much better! I'm happy as I am now growing in a white streak at the front where my hair is almost fully grey. It will make my hair a bit quirky, and a bit more "me" again!

Once it was all done I had time for a walk into town. I had a few things I wanted to get, and besides I just fancied a browse after all this time! I bought the things I needed including a pair of jeans since one of my old pairs went in the bin due to having a big rip in the leg. (Fine on a fit young lass, not so fine on me!) I found a bargain summer dress in a charity shop too.

I really enjoyed being in town - the atmosphere was happy, lively and exciting. I think everyone is glad to be finding some normality again. Last time we were at this point I felt quite wary, but not this time! Here's hoping it is not another false dawn!

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