
By Cailleach

The blues....

Ludicrous pharmacy conversation caused by stupidity/mask-wearing #751359

Gentleman at counter: 'I need some of that zinfandel please.'

Counter assistant: 'Eh?'

Gentleman: 'Zinfandel. You definitely have it. I bought some last week.'

Assistant: 'Eh?'

Me, deciding to step in. 'Are you sure you mean zinfandel? That's a grape variety.'

Gentleman: 'I know it's great. That's why I want more.'

Me: 'I said grape, not great.'

Gentleman: 'Eh?'

Me: 'Zinfandel is a grape variety; you know, a bottle of wine.'

Gentleman: 'It comes in bottles?'

Me: 'Zinfandel does, yes. But I'm not sure what you're looking for.'

Gentleman: 'I've just said! A bottle of zinfandel!'

Me (starting to wish I'd never interfered in the first place): 'What do you need it for?'

Gentleman: 'Well I'd have thought that was obvious!'

Me: 'Not really.'

He then decided to mime what it was he was looking for....I won't describe the precise actions here, (I'm not sure I have the vocabulary) but suffice to say, I suddenly realised that it wasn't zinfandel he was this.

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