
By Akasha

Huts Again..

Busy Day

1-took Sam (one of my Retrievers) for his yearly booster
2- Took Daisy (my female Retriever) for her nails clipped
3- Groomed the dogs and clean up their faces
4- Hoovered up, cleaned and dusted all downs stairs
5- Carried out a few office duties

Lunch time
1- Went into town to get Daughters birthday present (tomorrow)
2- Met Daughter she picked her present
3- Came out of store to find Daughter had got yet another parking ticket. I told her she would parking her car where she did but she wouldnt listen.
4- Spend time telling Daughter that sometimes mum is right and that Daughter doesnt always know everything.
5- Say goodbye to daughter and go off to Supermarket to do weekly shop
6- Pop to see mum to give her Mothers Day present (wont see her on the day)
7- Go home and take 5 dogs out for a walk
8- Cook tea
9- Had shower and am now completely buggered
10- Do my blip

So I'm afraid its the Beach Huts again.

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