
By IronWill2013

Billy the Kid

Today's weather report for Malta: "6 hours sunshine, 0% chance of rain" Guess what?


It rained, on and off, all morning.

Finally, by late afternoon, things brightened up, but not once did the sun shine.

Never the less, we did have some fun today, and at the very least, we saw some natural beauty. We have both come to the simple conclusion, that the Maltese people have taken a beautiful island and completely mucked it up (I'm talking about their buildings). Once you get away from the ugly tourist built-up areas and get into the countryside, you see what the island actually has to offer.

Today, we walked along the Marfa ridge and enjoyed some nice coastal views, with the islands of Comino and Gozo in the distance. We saw lots of wild flowers: nasturtiums, osteospermums, poppies, daisies, sunflowers, cactus plants etc, but despite all that, when I asked my wife which photo I should Blip, she asked for the goat. Why? Because it "made her smile"

So here it is.

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