T 4 6....

Much laughter staging and taking this photo! The aged birthday girl had to sit on a chair while her friends gave their support.....

It was a wonderful afternoon, never mind that we had two cloud bursts and had to tighten our circle a little to stay dry under the gazebo. Brenda had been gifted a birthday cake and of course we sang to her and she blew out a candle. She had made delicious salmon and cucumber sandwiches and I made mini apple puffs. We drank from English china tea cups. She had received two amazing bouquets of flowers from her two sons and they certainly gave colour to a rather dull afternoon. We even had songs of the 60s playing suitably as background to our conversation.

Two brilliant days of celebration and it’s been great to share in them. I’m tired this evening and I’m sure Big Sis is too. Lots of memories made and photos taken to record the days.

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