
Possibly time to take down the last Christmas decorations...?! You can't rush these things...ha!
I had a bit of time with a couple of friends on the streets. So good to hear one of them full of life and enthused over an idea for a project he and a friend have! Later I met up with Anne to wander the streets and photograph people, however we were rained off! Thankfully we were tucked away by the back wall of a cafe, so had coffee and a natter instead. Hopefully next week will be dry and we'll give it another go. I'm thinking a bit 'Humans of New York' style, but 'Of Ibiza' instead...
I walked to meet the kids from school and listened to an excellent podcast by Brené Brown (who else?!) on dehumanisation...excellent and horrifying... Good to bump into Sole's daughter in-law at school. Hoping to go to her house and see Sole this weekend! 
A very very quiet afternoon - movies with the kids as the rain poured outside. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Anne.
2) Bumping into Jud on my way to school.
3) Sole's d-i-l and her warmth in inviting me to her home, where Sole will spend this weekend. 

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