Flipping technology!
A back blip due to ???? .
A lovely catch up with an old school friend. Rather chilly when I left home so was'nt sure how many layers to wear, by the time I'd got to Jeanette's I'd wished I was wearing shorts & tee shirt. Okay, slight exaggeration but I had to start peeling off as soon as we sat in the garden. She & hubby have moved during the Covid carry on's so had to find my way to their new abode, nice house shame about the location .... A stones throw away from the main Paignton to Brixham road, the traffic noise was quite evident. Jeanette says she does'nt notice it, Howard does, & they'll probably do a few cosmetic jobs, he's a builder, then move according to him. The traffic noise approx 6.30am - 6.30pm, also includes Dartmouth/Kingswear ferry commuter traffic. This is "out of season"/Early Covid Lock down ease. Can't imagine what it will be like high season. I'd want total peace & quiet for my £650,000. Everyone is different I know. :-)
I quickly scribbled a hedgehog house design on a piece of paper while eating breakfast. Well, I saw plenty of sawn off bits of timber at H&J's, so after admiring the summer room/man cave/garden shed that Howard has already constructed in the garden I decided he was the man to build the hedgehog des res. I forwarded my suggestion, dropping the fact that Jeanette would like one in the garden too into the conversation, & he was up for it. First job when I got home .. send him the details. :-)
Back home after lunch I turned my attention to my bespoke allotment bird scarer pre-season overhaul, hence the blingy bells. New adornment for the 2021 Summer season frock. The spinning wind thingies are made from redundant tealight holders. I attached them to fine fishing line. I used cotton last year (prototype), not robust enough when blustery on the plot.
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