Wednesday's painting...


Cat was being pestiferous this morning...
He had wanted hugging all night. So, I did what he wanted. Each time I woke up he was peacefully asleep in my arms, so much so that I ended up waking him up a few times, just to check...

Anyway, I get up at 4am, do the usual, fbg and sweep floors and make a couple of cuppas (I always have a mug of tea and a mug of coffee!).

Get back in bed. Cat then becomes pestiferous. I say no, he has to wait. I need to drink my cuppas. At that moment I notice a badger outside my bedroom door (my bedroom door is fully glass from top to bottom and opens outwards into my garden). I am trying to put my cuppa down. I am trying to grab my phone. Cat is head butting me. He is saying you can't use your phone. I am watching the badger, a full grown one watching the antics of a cat and a human inside a glass cage. Badger is so inquisitive, looking at us in astonishment. Cat butts my phone and sends it flying. I have cat in armlock which he gets out of in seconds. I retrieve my phone. Try to get camera up and running. Cat butts phone again. Badger turns round and glides off into the darkness. I put phone down. Cat looks at me, ah that's better he says. Stroke me now, cat suggests. Absolutely blinking not, says I.

This is my best attempt at the inquisitive badger, because cat said no iPads either. So this digital painting in Procreate is a wrestling job between me and cat.

Cat Popeye has a thing about badgers. He takes them on if he sees them on his property. Many years ago he shot in like a bullet through the cat flap and went to the front room window and looked out. I followed him. A moment later, literally flying through the air, hurling himself against the large window, was an enormous badger. The window reverberated. I look in horror. Popeye looks at me, it's all right he says, the window will protect us. I don't have that faith when the badger is hurling himself for a second time. Popeye can take his chances. I shot off into bedroom and shut the door firmly. A short while later I tentatively emerge, expecting to find a badger roaming my front room. But Popeye is still sitting calmly on the window ledge with an I told you it would be all right expression.

Here is my attempt at a Procreate....

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