
South Coastal path.

Mr C spent this morning sorting out dads phone and getting his emails on there as he had locked himself out of them. Mr C is very patient and I wouldn’t have a clue what to do.

I think mum & dad were a little worn out after our (not very long) walk yesterday. So this afternoon Mr C and I popped out for a couple of hours. We drove into Falmouth but the car park seemed too busy for me so we drove up to Pendennis Point, first stopping by the docks to have a nosey and then parked up by the point for a little wander and to admire the views and of course have the obligatory ice cream. From there I suggested stopping at Maenporth for a walk along the beach but again too many cars. Finally, we went to Mylor and had a lovely walk along the coastal path and even saw a seal bobbing in and out of the water. Another sunny day and we were ok without coats although got a little chilly if the sun disappeared behind the clouds.

P.s when I got home mum said dad has agreed to call doctors once we have gone home ;-))

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