The Sisters of Sav

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Look at them. Plotting. Dave and Dr. Girlfriend, up to no good with a dead mouse. 

And a HUGE EFFING spider. I'll bet that HE didn't last too long either, with those two around.

Tonight Caro and I went back to the pub quiz. It is good fun and good natured and we always enjoy the company of Tiger and Loulou. Tonight they also brought along a northern English couple and even though we were resolutely useless on many rounds, we still came in SECOND. 

Lost out by half a point. It was not due to our knowledge of sport. It was because Tiger knew what KITT stands for*.

Caro was regaling us with her tales of the local neighbourhood women's group, which is trying to recruit her. They are called the "Sisters of Sav" and Caro is trying to resist because she can't be arsed with coffee-mornings and children-chat.

"What does it stand for?" asked Tiger. And then because he is a TERRIBLE man, he came up with his own suggestion. "Sisters of Saveloy?"

Then he did a mime. I don't need to explain any more, I'm sure.

Caro took about ten minutes before she could breathe again. 

FYI, it stands for "Sisters of Sauvignon Blanc" but I doubt I'll be able to think of them as anything other than sisters of saveloy after this.


* Knight Industries Two Thousand.

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