Carolina's journal

By Carolina


I went for a little walk just before dinner to see if I could find something or anything that be termed "Wacky".  No such luck.  Oh, well .   I did come across this Magnolia? tree which I always love.   So, this was my shot for the day!       I crashed my friend's Bible study and was asked to stay ( I did) as I had read the book and was one that I loved.   It was on Intercessory prayer during the war with Hitler and his bombing of England.  There were so really cool things that happened to turn the war as this group of people were praying.  Some things were not revealed until years later. 
     Thanks for dropping by and so enjoy your comments.  Joe and I are going to a Prayer meeting tonight.  So will try and get to journals later on.     thanks for any hearts or stars that are sprinkled my way!!!!!

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