
Back into the school routine today...and for me back into the Monday morning routine of Stef and then Sharon. Today with the added extra of swapping 2 sweet treats for 2 skirts, I'm very pleased! Good to have time with both women...
Nate and I had a quick park play between the pickup of him and then Asha. It was so lovely to see him playing with one of his school friends and hear him nattering in Spanish. 
The kids enjoyed spying these escaped chickens as we walked home via Aldi and another park. 
Danny came home from prison tonight with the news that Sole just discovered she's got her first permiso this weekend - 72 hours of freedom!!!!! Apparently she wants to see me - feels like a huge honour when time is so precious! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The wisdom and simplicity of kids - Asha said yesterday, "mom, why do people go to prison, wouldn't it be better to send them somewhere to learn how to make better choices?!" Living in a country where jail time is very much about punishment and in no way about rehabilitation, I couldn't agree more with her!!!
2) Being back in our routine and rhythm.
3) Asha's friends being kind to Nate, hi-fiving him and including him. So kind. 
4) An incredibly kind email from a Blipper today.

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