Recurring Shapes

Luigi Lusini - A Walk in the Moonlight

It's funny how images and shapes occur and reoccur in many things. Semiotics I think. Perhaps more questions arise rather than answers in the case of finding truth to such meaning, but perhaps what can be deduced from such a frivolous exploit, in my own and many other ways, is that there is connection somehow. Deeply encoded in the language is a mirroring of meaning and purpose after being filtered through perceptive processing. Basically you can find meaning when you choose to use a set of values.

To illustrate my point, take certain breeds of animals. Each is individual, yet some sort of connection or automatic program ensures that certain behaviours are carried out thus creating patterns, ie. migration, hierarchical establishment, etc. Such patterns can be found in many other species too. David Attenborough obviously has the 411 on this.

Perhaps what instigated this train of thought was the moment of reflection when looking in retrospect at the lives that have crossed mine over time. There appears to be a recurring theme or image, the tendancy to gravitate towards a certain set of people or be disgusted by another. Perhaps biology can explain the reasons yet other schools of thought pupport that despite our roots, whatever they are, we have the power to choose, in effect creating our own destiny and what we have surrounding us.

Sadly, this kind of thinking results in a mental conundrum, bouncing between the polar opposites of that nasty truth called dichotomy. Obviously there are those instances where an occurrence falls smack in between, yet still runs by the set of rules dictated by the criteria of it. Grey in between Black and White, for instance. Although I won't find a satisfactory conclusion in my lifetime, perhaps I'll settle for the fact that I'm part of something and that I'm surrounded by people whom are somewhat a reflection. We exist in more ways than one.

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