
Jenny, the vet along the road, has some of these more unusual breed of sheep. They do look cute with the frolicking lambs.

It’s been a bit of a frustrating day. Mr C left for his second vaccination at the centre about 15 miles away. After he’s
gone our surgery phoned to tell him not to go as the fridges at the centre were on the blink so the vaccines would be wasted. Of course he didn’t answer his phone when driving so it was a 30 mile drive for nothing. Then they rang and offered another appointment this afternoon. He drove off again but this time all traffic into the town was stationery so he had to do a detour via the A1 and was late. Hopefully they will still sort him out.

Both daughters got their first vaccine yesterday. #3 is fine still but within hours #2 had gone to bed feeling rough and I’m quite worried as she’s not said how she is today. Either she’s fine and very busy at work, or she’s really poorly and not wanting to worry me.

We had zoom book group. People enjoyed the Girl with the Louding Voice but the discussion didn’t really get going. People wanted to talk about the bad grammar of the youth of today. And Covid and holidays etc.

Daughters and I have spent a lot of time over the last few days looking for a holiday house for 10 people. Even the £6000 plus houses are booked till October. We have decided to wait till nearer the time as by then some people might cancel as they might go abroad instead.

I did some baking but that was frustrating too. I kept getting interrupted as “Amazon” phoned to thank me for the £1657 order and if I hadn’t ordered press whatever. Then it was “BT” telling me I was getting cut off. Then it was a man phoning from such a noisy environment I couldn’t make out a word he said.

I need a walk to clear my mood but my foot is sore after yesterday. Tomorrow will be better!

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