A man walked down to the ocean from the Retreat Center next door; he walked in to a point where his walking shorts were getting wet, I wondered if he was okay. The sun was going down and it would be dark soon; why was he alone out there? I watched and eventually he walked back up though the Coastal Pine trees toward the facility.....he probably was in the dark the last 5 to 10 minutes back to the houses. 

My grandson and I watch as a boat and then a large barge pasted by on the horizon, you can see them to the left of the photo......the bird flew into view and I knew this would be my photo for today. 

Since this beachhouse is the last house on the beachfront next to the retreat center which has a long area of the beach front and few people, this end of Rockaway Beach is very quiet. The sandy beach where Little Miss Ellie plays is directly West of our beach house in the center of town is so much more crowded.......but no one would really think of Rockaway Beach as ever being crowded because it is a very long sandy beach that extends for Seven Miles.  The only time it is really busy is the the 4th of July because of the large Fireworks Display, Parade and fun actives that weekend.....we didn't have that last year......I wonder if it will be on again this year..... probably not.....maybe next year.

I had a lovely quiet day except for when my grandson came over here to help me bring in some heavy things from the car and to do a couple heavy chores for me. It didn't take him long, but it saved me from hurting myself by doing things that would cause me pain.  :-))

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