Spot Spike

Spike was in his element this morning when I took him down to the dirt road at the end of our road and let him loose in the grassy hills. The grass was up to his eyeballs in places and he turned into a , well, a Springer. There’s not much rain in the forecast which means the grass will dry out and become a foxtail hazard, so we’ll go there as much as we can until then. I just love watching him bouncing around.

Our neighbor Paul came and mowed all the grass from where his house used to be to the fence above us. He told me he was going to do a little at a time but he seems to have gotten carried away because it was a big job. They are living on the other side now of town and it’s not so easy to to do a little at a time. By the time I had the presence of mind to think of offering him a been he had gone home...

What used to be a relatively simple glass of wine and cheese together has suddenly become much less spontaneous ...pandemic, fires, broken ankles....a trifecta of complication.
In theory we can gather with another couple inside if we have all been vaccinated, but sometimes just easier to put if off for a little while longer....

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