Blue Skies on Sunday

Woke up to a dusting of snow, up north seems to have had a foot of snow, if not more.  A tad cold in the breeze, but mostly sunny all day. 

Up early, and a morning around the house.  It was good to get washing out, first time in a week.  Met Julie for a walk with the dogs in the afternoon.  Popped by mam's too, and a walk, which Laura and Shaun joined us.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, mostly a night with the telly.  A new Coronavirus case today, the first in long, and linked with travel.  

There has been sightings of puffins back, but as usual, not seen through the day. We were sure we saw ones off at sea.  The place was buzzing with people, using the marine centre and the café, and with the fine day, just out enjoying the sunshine.  Looking up to the lighthouse, Sumburgh Head.  

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