Look how much it's grown

The youngest came home with a seed in a plastic cup on a wet tissue at the end of the Easter holiday.  It has been cared for on the kitchen window for two weeks and now look at it.  Sadly, my seeds in the spare bedroom (the make-shift greenhouse), are not doing quite so well overall. 

Everyone is tired today after yesterday.  The youngest has told me several times how 'amazing' it was, so that's lovely. 

We met friends at Rutland Water this morning, which was a wonderful dose of normality.  Home for lunch and too much tv in the afternoon, playing with playmobil, hair cuts, bath time and dinner.  

Husband came home after the boys bedtime and the youngest went running in to wake the eldest declaring 'Daddy's home'!!

Dog isn't well.  Food isn't agreeing with him and first task of the morning was a clean-up job. He's moping around the house feeling very sorry for himself. If he doesn't perk up tomorrow, it'll have to be a trip to the vet. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Back to school tomorrow, both boys are really happy to be going back
A lovely Easter break and a lovely weekend with the boys, both have been on really good form all weekend
Lunch time on the sofa with the boys - I had a lovely sleep! 

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