
By Beinghere

Betty Smith has seen Better Days

A good morning here, sunny and bright, with just a wee breeze.
We went along to Janice`s to return her air pump, once I`d checked all my tyres.  She and Cassie, her dog, then came for a walk with us along the golf course and back.  We sat on a log on the shore and ate a cereal bar and enjoyed the view across to North Berwick.  We saw the World`s largest vessel making it`s way back down the Firth of Forth after depositing it`s cargo of a massive drilling platform.  The Allseas` Pioneering Spirit is 1,250ft long and 400ft wide and was built in South Korea.
When we got back into the village I walked down to the harbour and headed for the Sweetie Shop.  I stocked up on my favourites, had a blether to John, the owner, then as I was leaving I commented to the next customer on how lovely the day was.  She told me they had come through snow on the way here.  I admit I was a bit dubious, but five minutes later we were in the middle of a horrible hale shower, very stingy and white.  There was nothing to do but carry on heading home.  We got home wet and very cold.  On the way I met one of our neighbours, who told me that she opened her bedroom curtains a few mornings ago and there was a rat sitting on the window sill.  Yuck, what a start to her day.
Once home I had to shake Geordie outside because his coat was full of hailstones.
Since then I`ve hoovered and dusted, and washed the kitchen floor.  Then made a big pot of lentil soup.
I also soaked pieces of cotton wool with peppermint oil and placed them in the places where I think the rats are entering the garden.  Apparently they hate the smell of peppermint and it is a good deterrent.  We shall see.

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