Special day

We had an email last week offering us a kitchen safe - supposedly made of Australian Cedar, and built in the colony in the mid 1860's.   A photo was sent, and to be honest it looked a bit ordinary.

So - our Committee discussed it and decided that sadly we didn't have space to display it, especially in the kitchen which is where the donor wanted it.

I duly emailed back and said thanks but no thanks; whereupon I got another email saying "Oh dear Dene will be disappointed".  Seeing that Dene is our very much loved founder member and past president - oh poop, I thought, we're screwed.  We've pretty much got to take it.

In desperation I suggested that the Rower and I would go and have a look - and then if it wasn't any good we could at least say "no" with a clear conscience.

We trundled up into the back blocks of a local hills village, and looked at the item.  I have to say my jaw dropped.

It is stunning.  A wonderful, perfectly proportioned piece of hand made colonial furniture, complete with original zinc back and perforated zinc sides, which is indeed made of Australian Cedar.

Of course we have to have it - it's perfect for our kitchen in the Servants' Quarters and we WILL make room for it.

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