Shona J

By Iana

As far South...

As you can get in Scotland. Had a brilliant day out with Mike. Took a total of 225 photos, not many good ones, but I certainly had a lot of fun taking them. Other choice for today's blip is here, hope the link works -

Just as we arrived at Drammore, we had to stop as a boy was lying on the road; he had fallen off his bike & broken his arm quite badly. 2 ladies were already tending to him & asked us to phone for an ambulance. Of course we tried but there was no phone signal, so a lady at the near by house got the ambulance to come. By this time most of the village had turned out to make sure the boy was ok, even a Doctor on holiday appeared. The Doctor managed to move the boy from the road, so we had to move on, I hope the lad is ok, I'm sure he will be he was being well looked after.

I must offer my humblest apologies for the lack of comments in the last 4 or so days; it's just been so manic. I will do my best to catch up with all your amazing entries tomorrow. Hope you have had a brilliant Easter weekend :0)x

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