Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Gloomy day, dead flower

It might be deceased, but it's still pretty cool looking. This was in a bouquet that Laurie gave me in December after my solo in our choir concert (isn't that sweet?!), so it's been around a good long while. It was dry until she popped it in the flower box on the porch last week, and now it's been properly rained on. It is a protea, aka sugarbush, native to South Africa.

I just realized it's a little blurry, which is appropriate, because I am too. I've been under the (gloomy) weather all day, sleeping and being otherwise totally non-productive, which normally frustrates Liza, who likes to play Moose or go scooting all day, but she hates the rain so I don't think she objected to all the naps.

That's it folks, all I could come up with: blurry dead flowers and rain and gray background. Tomorrow has to improve, right?

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