
By DaveStevens1982

14k of hills (mountains) and snow.

Calf crunching snow this mornings run led my over tunnel mountain and back up the other side. I haven't done hills for a while so at first it was a little tough. Then felt stronger and stronger and kept going. The snow made for a mucher tougher run as I was breaking trail in many spots. It made me feel great and was quite a fun adventure, spotting Elk and other creatures along the way.

I only had the fisheye lens on so I just grabbed this quick as it was about -13 and didnt fancy hanging around.

Wine and board maintenence tonight ready for tomorrows adventures into the mountains, its dumping snow yet again so should be good!! HECK YES.

I havent got a black eye, I look weird in this shot, probably frozen! lol oh and all my hairs stopped falling out and fully growing back!
Im off work completely for a few weeks to hit the road!

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