Now we have everything

By Gembop

Thanks 2012!

New Year's Eve and I'm still feeling pants. But rather than waste the evening in front of the telly with my knitting (no kidding, that's what I'd spent the day doing!) Robin and I got in the car to the top of Alexander Palace to see the fireworks over London.

At least that was the plan. For us and for half of North London apparently! If I wasn't 9 months pregnant I'd have walked but instead we got stuck in the slowest line of cars snaking their way up the hill. We actually saw in the New Year sat in the Mini, halfway up, listening to the Bongs on Radio 1. The first song they played was Gangnam Style!

When we got to the top the main show was over, but we managed to glimpse some other firework displays still going off around the city, though we didn't get out of the car. Instead we headed back home and reenacted the countdown for ourselves!

2012 has been an amazing year. I can't believe I've spent two thirds of it pregnant! At the beginning of the year I had a boyfriend and lived in a flat in West London. By the end of 2012 my fiance and I live in house in North London and are expecting our first baby :)

Happy New Year everyone!

p.s Happy 30th birthday to my amazing best friend . I hope I'm as amazing a mum as she is to her two :)

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