Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Finished at last

The last few days have been hard work! I finished the painting a couple of days ago but moving things from one room to the other, swapping beds and just generally sorting all of Kieran's clutter has been a massive job. There's still a big pile of paperwork to sort through and lots of rubbish to get rid of but all of the bedrooms are looking much better than yesterday morning when there was stuff everywhere.
Dan popped around to fetch the single bed for his spare room this morning. We're hoping to turn Kieran's old room into the study and make the study an en-suite. Lots of work still ahead of us. Dan had hired a van to move his tools from Nissan to VW as he starts a new job there on Monday.
Sad news today as Prince Philip died this morning at 99. RIP Philip.

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