Not so monstrous monstera

When I moved into my first flat I was given a cheese plant, just a single leaf, which grew and grew and multiplied, resulting in three large plants which dominated our upstairs landing in Edinburgh. 

They suffered somewhat in being moved when the hall was painted as they languished outside for a while. However a few stalks did survive and I replanted then today. It will be interesting to see how they grow over the next 30 years ! 

Aside from that I spent a productive morning continuing my exploration into what had happened to the family of a nephew of my great grandmother Bridget Robbins, many of whom moved to Minnesota. 

This afternoon saw me turning to one of the two postal pensioners I am researching as part of a collaboration between the u3a and a team of  researchers at Kings College London, part of a wider Addressing Health Project. We are now on the final stage which involves writing blog pieces on our postal pensioners.  I spent today exploring the life of his sister who crofted all her life and had two daughters but never married. On each occasion the paternity of the child was established through the courts. "My"  postal worker started as a messenger on the Fort William to Arisaig run and set up a coach hire business. It is really interesting finding out about life in a different part of the country. 

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