Flower Friday...Grape Hyacinth

Very little sun today but L and I were in the garden digging up more plants, a clematis, geraniums and cowslips for her, and echinacea, heleniums and geraniums in pots for me to take when I move, about twenty so far....the garden is looking a bit bare!. ...A dead frog in the pond, on it's back and white!!  The pond is low on water, we actually need some rain.
Thinking of G in Vietnam today....he is starting a new and much longed for chapter of his life with his son Ben, now in the role of a hands on father four days a week, while Ben's mother works ...she will care for Ben at the weekends. She has chosen to return to Ho Chi Minh City for employment, where G and Ben flew to today, to a new apartment on the outskirts of the city. He is going to be a great father:)
I am going to curl up with a book this afternoon and will probably have a doze...I am still waking at 5.0am every morning!!.........zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Thank you for the comments and stars yesterday.x

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