The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
-- Coco Chanel
A week ago on Monday my old lady neighbour in Glasgow phoned me. By accident. She was actually trying to phone her hairdresser. Still, on the phone she told me that the housing association had been in and painted the Close.
Now, on the surface this sounds like a good thing. But actually I spent a lot of time and money two years ago painting the upper part of the Close myself and I genuinely had it looking beautiful. I currently live in Dundee for work and I rent out my property, but I still care what happens there. When I had the property valued last year all the estate agents said it was the nicest Close they'd ever seen in the area, so it matters.
My tenant described the new paint job as hideous and my neighbour described it as a dark mess. The photo above shows the calm green that I painted and the angry red it is now.
So, although I thought there was maybe no point, I phoned several people and I emailed to complain. I expressed my dismay that there had been no consultation, and I included photos. Within the block there are 3 housing association flats, and 3 owned flats like mine, so legally we (the owners) have more say.
I really didn't expect much to come of it but today I got an email apologising for the complete lack of communication and saying that they will repaint the Close. There will be a choice of 5 colours, including one to match how I had painted it before.
So, I am dead happy.
I am glad I spoke up.
Now all that remains is to rally the troops and make sure my Glasgow neighbours vote for the same colour as me!
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