Life In Wales

By KarenC


Lockdown 3 - Day 95

Today has been a good day! Firstly I had an appointment at the vets at 8.30am for a check up in Bobbie’s ear. She said it was better than it was but still not 100%, so she cleaned it out again and gave him a second dose of the medication. I have to take him back in two weeks.

While we were out I decided to take him for a walk at the beach, it’s much easier with just one dog, but neither of them are happy to be left at home while the other goes out. There was a guy walking his two Scottie dogs, so Bobbie had a bit of a bark at them, but I’m working on this and rewarding with treats when he doesn’t bark. We had a brief chat and then I carried on with Bob, only to keep passing each other, and the final time Bobbie wanted to go over and see his newly found best friends.

We stood chatting for a while and ended up walking together. His name is Adil, is a private dentist in Hove, and his dogs are Archie & Dexter. Interestingly he looked at the building that our clinic is in when it was up for sale and had been thinking about turning it into a dental clinic. He was an interesting chap to talk to and we had a pleasant, unexpected walk.

I dropped Bobbie off at home where Milou was very excited to see him, and after filling
Alan in on the vet’s visit and our walk, I left for my annual check up and mammogram at the Nuffield Hospital. Normally Alan comes with me, but due to Covid you’re not allowed to have anyone else there. However when I arrived, I saw my friend Sian in the waiting room, she was also there to see Charles and went in before me.

We both had our mammograms, and both received the good news that we’re still cancer free. It’s 6 years post chemo for Sian and 5 years for me. I told Charles about our move to Wales, but I shall continue to come to Brighton to see him every 18 months. I like him and he knows my history so I’d rather stick with him than transfer to someone in Wales. At least it’s an excuse to come back to Brighton!

Alan finished work at lunch time and has this afternoon and tomorrow off as we’re heading north. We’re going to Wales on Saturday to measure up at the house so are staying with mum (our distant bubble), and are providing childcare duties tomorrow. We’ll also go and visit Alan’s parents in the garden tomorrow - at least everyone’s had their Covid jabs!

The motorways have been very, lockdown is definitely over! We’re almost at mum’s now and as Alan’s driven I’ve managed to catch up on your journals - that took a long time!

Update: We’ve now arrived and had a welcoming committee! We hadn’t even reversed on the drive and the neighbour over the road who does mum’s shopping on a Friday came out to ask did I still want him to do it, her next door neighbour came out to say it was ok to park on her drive - we’re on mums drive - mum came out asked me to go next door to look at said neighbour’s shower as mum wants the same, meanwhile dogs are barking and we have the car to unpack! I’ve been next door, looked at the shower - very nice! The wine is open, cheers!!

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