Out with Nigel!

It seems that if Nigel isn’t up to something, this diary can’t exist! So, good job he’s usually up to mischief! ;-)

In the afternoon, as usual, Nigel and I went out for a long walk. We’re walking him with just the head collar now, and it seems he’s not pulling as much as he did with the harness on. Unfortunately, we seem to gain something and have to start on something else all the time. And our next job is to avoid his random, unexpected zigzagging. This has become extremely important after today, when, luckily not far from home, he decided all of a sudden to go from right to left and act as a hurdle for me. Well, I wasn’t paying attention, maybe. I was distracted by the lovely sky, maybe. What happened was that all of a sudden I found myself tripping on him, scrambling for a couple of metres and ending up kneeling on the ground. Not only that, Nigel jumped on me (I’m still unsure whether to check if I was still alive, to apologise for what he’d done or to try and steal a biscuit from my pocket, which is the most probable answer!). When I at last managed to untangle myself from him and stood up, I saw that I had ripped my trousers, my left knee was sore and my left hand the same. Luckily, I was wearing gloves, which protected my palm.
I walked back home making sure Nigel wouldn’t try to kill me again and when I arrived, I discovered that my left knee was grazed and a big blue bruise had started to appear on my left palm. Soap, dettol and a bit of chocolate made miracles! :-)

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