The birds

Just as well I live alone. All this washing up in the middle of the night would be very disruptive. Wednesday is an early start so I was up early, for me.

The morning was a confusing mixture of dealing with two phones at a time, a team meeting, remote access issues and a disappointment, less for me than FVA. But I stopped work at 1 pm as planned and the work PC is working

Down to the Manor to spend ages on the phone sorting out the unfinished business from Monday and the finding of some unfilled documents. It was cloudy but balmy compared to yesterday's icy blast.

Home for a College meeting and then a call to J. The only reason I could think of for La Poste not delivering her birthday cards but returning them to sender was the house number was missed off. The address was typed, she lives on a country road leaving a small village and waves to the post lady every day. Incroyable!

Turns out tomorrow is brown bin day so I spent some time collecting up the rest of the trapped leaves and detritus on the slabs before putting out the bins. It looks a lot cleaner and tidier now. And I plugged in the bike. Cycle freedom day is approaching!

The pigeons are courting and the blackbirds are nesting. Spring is springing.

Treated myself to a fish supper, a small fish this time, still huge. And then had some Easter egg accompanied by gin and sonic, my new tipple.

Broken nights and boring TV led to a very, very early night. I so miss having nowhere to go and nothing to do in the evenings and pounding the streets in the cold is a fill in activity not a fulfilling experience.

F2F - 1
Phone calls - 9
Virtual - 2
Recovery day 75

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