Actually a mermaid

A quick blip as we're abut to head into day 3 of our prayer week for the work in Ibiza...
Great to see Stef and hear her story of how she got back (essentially by using her Italian passport and not her British one)...then on to wave at Sole in the prison - in a new cell! Thankfully we can still see her from the little lane. And then a tootle and a little tour of some lesser known to us beaches - windy and cold, but beautiful still. The rock in the sea behind Asha is called 'the finger of God'. The hat was a gift from Stef!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing Stef - 4 months is too long!
2) Sole.
3) So many people wanting to gather on Zoom to pray for the work here. 

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