Growing Up Fast

Much more pleasant walking conditions today - the bitter wind has subsided a bit and there seems to be more sun about.

New lens (well second hand - Canon 70-300 L IS) arrived just after lunch - so I took a walk to the bottle bank just round the corner. I stopped to photograph the lambs in the field behind our house on the way back…they are getting bigger and wander around quite happily away from mum! Nice test of the lens - picked out some of the wool details. Couldn’t resist another lamb blip - nice in large!

Then when I got back in there were three goldfinches on the feeder - but as soon as I grabbed my camera one on the lid flew away so I just got a blur - especially as the feeder started swinging. Photo not too bad considering it was taken through the mucky kitchen window - see extra. Also added another extra of a blue tit - this was taken outside but quite a long way away.

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