Dr. Girlfriend

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Caro returned from the Bay of Plenty today. To be honest, it was a bit of a relief for all of us. I think the boys missed her and they certainly seemed to be fussing around when she got home. 

Dave was also very happy to see her. And as you can see, he brought his girlfriend to his new bachelor pad this morning. 

Dr. Girlfriend* (as I have named her) is still scared of me, but so long as I was quiet and didn't look directly at her she was all right. She talks the whole time by the way, grumbly little meows that I think are her way of telling me to eff off. 

She still ate the cat food I gave her, though.

Caro is now back on her couch and we have slipped back into our usual routine very quickly. It sounds like her trip to see her family was more relaxing than usual and she has come back refreshed. She only got up to malarkey one night when she went out with Feefs, Macca and Stacey on Easter Monday.

And, because this is New Zealand, nearly everything was closed and they couldn't get any wine. Feefs had the bright idea of going out for dinner where they SERVED wine. And then ordering EXTRA wine. And then SNEAKING the wine out of the restaurant. 


Except of course, they were also DRINKING the wine. And four drunk women not-very-sneakily sneaking wine into the jackets and handbags is not exactly subtle.

"The bar staff kept coming over to take away our empty bottles and we were like, 'Nope. No empties here.' It was pretty bloody obvious but we were too @rseholed to care," said Caro, proudly.

After the meal they went to Stacey's house. They had to get picked up by her mum.

"Hullo Mrs. Bell," said Caro.
"This is just like thirty years ago!" said Glenys.

At Stacey's Feefs revealed she had baked some brownies. And Caro had a couple. "And then I don't remember anything else."

I don't think Caro has been stoned since 2001. 

I feel rather dull. All I did was watch Shelley Winters films. 

But anyway. I understand how Dave feels. It is nice to have my Dr. Girlfriend back too.


* Dr. Girlfriend is a cartoon character from a show I used to enjoy called The Venture Brothers. She has a deep voice, which sort of reminds me of Dave's friend's meow.

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