Hey hey

I wanna be a rockstar.

Although he will probably now berate me for referencing Nickelback in a picture of him, when his preference for music is in the Green Day / Blink 182 / Sum 41 / Nirvana / Foo Fighters classification.

Dad started my day with an excellent email, which I do hope he won't mind me reproducing here. This is in relation to yesterday's ridiculous "Pencil-gate" conversation with the school


1) Ballistic kevlar with rounded corners and non metallic handle and clasps

2) Internal foam lining which is certified non toxic and fire retardent

3) Black with yellow striping

4) Caution warning label clearly stating contents are hazardous

5) Calibration sticker showing period of validity - at least annual retest

6) Capacity label stating clearly maximum content allowed ie 2 pens 3
pencils and an eraser

7) Label showing authorised users name

8) A certificate of competency showing training status of the authorised

9) Dimensions 300mm x 300mm x100 mm

10) Label showing weight full and unladen

11) Contact details in case of loss or accident including HAZMAT
designation for pens and pencils ( I am sure that the EU must have one for such
dangerous items)

Just another point - if these items are so dangerous will the teachers
dealing with the children in question be observing the same safety criteria ?

I am sure you could get Corin to fabricate something along those lines -
just imagine the reaction to a whole class turning up one morning with one

The detention ended up being turn up, prove you have a pencil case, off you go.

Which makes me wonder why they even bothered ringing us all to tell us.

Seen a friend today which helped me enormously, just to have some company and avoid the cabin fever for a couple of hours. Her little boy is an absolute delight.

Other than that, and going out for tea because I couldn't be arsed to cook, that's me.

2 weeks today I will be loading up on my pre-op drinks, taking my final batch of pre-op painkillers and doing other unspeakable things in preparation for surgery. Time seems to be moving so slowly.

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