A Thimbleful of Seeds
I was looking through PD's junk drawer for something to blip for Tiny Tuesday and found an open package of basil seeds. Perfect! Later I realized that the theme is "good things" but what could be better than fresh basil? I'm going to see if they will germinate. They may be really old. Many thanks to PinkhairedLady for hosting in April!
All the Silly Saturday entries really made me smile. I am happy that I had a chance to host and keep the challenge going in memory of our dear Admirer. If you would be interested in volunteering for the first Saturday of a month, leave a message for davidc who is kindly keeping it organized.
Okay, with no further ado, hearts are awarded below in no particular order:
Madwill for his "perforations team"
Yorkshirebred for her cheeky sheep
JohnW for his long keyboard
Pinkhairedlady for her guest at the table
deanna_pearce for her corkscrews
And Honorable Mentions also in no particular order:
KangaZu for her kidnapped Easter Bunny
Mole for Chester's man bun
Hanulli for her smiling "Easter Bunny"
Trisharooni for Rabbit Food
Cathy1947 for Monty Chilling
Thank you to everyone for your entries! Admirer would have loved them!
I am grateful to PD for making dinner while I've been busy on Blip!
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