Supermarket Delivery

Since the dawn of the ‘Covid Era’, the folks have been getting the supermarket supplies by delivery. Today they opted for the 5.30 to 10am time slot. Usually it arrives towards the end of the scheduled period. Needless to say everyone was still in bed when the Sparrow’s phone pinged at 5.40 announcing we were ‘next in line’.

There’s normally 15-20 minutes of grace between text message and delivery. Just enough time to nip to the beach for the early morning ablutes. There was even time to chase crabs on the water’s edge and take a photo, but only for a couple of minutes.

The Woolies van pulled up at 0600hrs, just as we walked back across the road. Perfect timing. Then the Sparrow went off to her early morning exercise group leaving me and the Silverback wondering what to do before I walk him into the village for his haircut at 0930.

That’s another Covid Era change - the barber’s shop is ‘strictly by appointment’. No more just rolling up and sitting around listening to the old blokes talking about football and horse racing!

Wow! At four and a half I’m officially old enough to be able to talk about the ‘good old days’!

I like being tied up outside the Barber’s Shop. It’s next to the French Patisserie, that places smells awesome!

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