
I had the dentist at 10 AM today. Grace was available to take me, and it all went OK and I am in the clear for another six months.

Once home I cracked on with house work and got as much done as I could because who knows what the rest of the week holds as regards work. I'm definitely there tomorrow and have to go on the bus, though Grace should be available to fetch me home. 

I took this photo this afternoon. We had had a few small flurries of snow throughout the day - they didn't come to anything or settle. This one in the afternoon was more like a mini blizzard. I took this from the end of the passage and it saved me trekking out in the Baltic temperatures.

Oh yeah - almost forgot. I called my Dad this afternoon and he is fine. His visit with Mum went OK and he says that she seems settled now. I told him that I couldn't say when I'd be going and would call on the next free morning I have and say I will be over then. He was a lot more OK with that than I am! He's keeping busy with the garden and the dog!

The Form went in the post today now that it's operational again, along with quite a few items of my own!

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