The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

1st bbq

Heather and will invited  us to join them on sunny Saturday for a barbecue.  We took salad and chicken squewers as Ally drove Shally back to her newly gravelled resting patch. It looks very smart with 20 tons of new gravel, but as she sank into the thicker patches she struggled  to move. A bit of removing of barrel loads  and it was a lot better. At least they have some spare to replenish the bits that need it at a later date.
The food was lovely and the gin flowed as well as the beer. Shally was our bed for the night, but  unfortunately  we discovered  her fridge had packed in. So she is coming  back home for repair tomorrow, ho hum, was not what was said!
Later as the sun left, the cold arrived.  Ally's  Xmas pressie of a Biolite firepit, came in very handy and extended the evening in the garden, before we had to give in and retire to Shally to warm up.

Bbq was chicken squewers,  veg squewers,  venison burgers and a sausage. Let's just say they have enough  for another one.


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