
By HareBrain

A fish eye's view

Crocuses and snowdrops in our local churchyard. I am hopeful that when the sun shines again I will be able to take some more shots as the churchyard will soon be transformed into a carpet of purple, pink, white and blue when the hundreds of crocuses there turn their faces to that illusive sun.

Oooh its been so chilly today (and on my day off too, bummer) so I didn't feel like going too far afield for a blip. The churchyard is only just up the road but as I was lying on the ground again I got really cold so didn't stay out very long.

Lots of progress is being made on the allotments now and the beds look all tidy and ready for planting again but as its so cold today there weren't too many gardeners at work - perhaps they are in one of the sheds on site, in front of a cosy heater, sipping tea (or other) and spinning yarns/tall stories! I'm just listening to the news and the weather forecast is for snow again next week?

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