Squirmy and eaty

The weather has been shocking. Windier than windyshire with snow and hail. This morning the dog walk was timedvwell and we had 10mins of sunshine. As soon as the dogs hit the snow, Sigyn squirmed about chaoticly and Talisker tried to eat every snowflake (see extra) in big mouthfuls.

The rest of the day has been spent battling with the weather. At times I've almost been blown over. Or blinded by 60mph hail. 
It will be deafeningly quiet when the wind drops... Whenever that might be.

Jeeps seems to be brewing a hoof abcess and has been very sorry for himself today... What a bloody stupid time to get an abcess. Although at least the ground is frozen dry and not wet and muddy. 

In other news... Gorgeous and the dogs are having a ball at home whilst I'm at work. 

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